SHOWA SEIKI.resolver
수입.자동화기기/▶▶SENSOR WORLD
2011-10-18 10:37:28
쇼와세이키 레졸바 시리즈
SAM-1Z series
ASL series
ASW4 series
ASW2 series
ASPD series
RZ-SW17 series.
How are incremental encoders different than resolvers
엔코다와 리졸버의 차이점
Encoders produce pulses indicating movement over a short distance;
counting these pulses indicates distance (and speed over time)
and checking the order of pulses in channel A vs.
channel B indicates direction (quadrature).
Encoders typically have all their electronics onboard,
minimizing interconnections, but limiting operating temperatures.
Resolvers produce a set of sine/cosine waves (analog voltage)
indicating absolute position within a single revolution;
these signals are typically converted with a resolver interface board to a digital signal
레졸바의 신호는 코싸인 아나로그 신호로 진행합니다.
Resolver systems typically mount the resolver power supply and
resolver interface board near the input device,
requiring substantial inter-device wiring,
but allowing the resolver to withstand higher temperature environments.
the environment is below -40°F/-40°C or above 212°F/100°C ambient
사용환경에 따라 .레졸바를 엔코더로 대치하여 사용할수 있으나.
-40°F/-40°C or above 212°F/100°C 이러한 온도 범위를 넘은
고온에서는 레졸바를 엔코다로 대치하여
사용할 수 없읍니다.
레졸바는 엔코다에 비해 고온이 발생하는 장소에서
사용할 수 있습니다.
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