SPJ-K-F 오메가 센서
설비.유지보수.보전 ▶자동화 온도 센서 관련 오메가 판넬 마운팅 타입외
Mounting hardware has been .eliminated in the SPJ- and UPJ-style
panel jacks by including retaining .spring clips as part of the body design.
SPJ and UPJ color-coded nylon connectors accept any standard and miniature
사용 조건
최고 온도 1335°C (2440°F).성능 - 0.8 mm 탐침이 3년 동안 815°C (1500°F)온도를 견딤
탐침 예상 수명이 경쟁 제품보다 최대 10배 증가
니켈-크롬 베이스의 오메가 고유의 슈퍼 OMEGACLAD™ XL 보호관
뛰어난 산화 Oxidation, 탄화 Carburization, 염화 Chlorination 저항성
SLE (Special Limits of Error) 재질로 온도 측정의 오차율이 낮고 뛰어난 정밀성
플러그 타입 센서 콘넥터
Alloy/ANSI 색상 코드 |
씨스 지름 inches |
모델 번호 ANSI 색상 코드 |
0.010" 0.020" 0.032" 0.040" 0.062" 0.125" |
SCAXL-010[*]-[**] SCAXL-020[*]-[**] SCAXL-032[*]-[**] KMQXL-040[*]-[**] KMQXL-062[*]-[**] KMQXL-125[*]-[**] |
0.020" 0.032" 0.040" 0.062" 0.125" |
SNNXL-020[*]-[**] SNNXL-032[*]-[**] NMQXL-040[*]-[**] NMQXL-062[*]-[**] NMQXL-125[*]-[**] |
오메가 센서 카다로그
사진 | 모델 | 납기 | 특징 |
![]() OMEGA ![]() PANEL OMEGA |
SPJ-K-F | 문의要 | Female snap-in panel jack with type K calibration |
SPJ-T-F | 문의要 | Female snap-in panel jack with type T calibration | |
SPJ-J-F | 문의要 | Female snap-in panel jack with type J calibration | |
SPJ-E-F | 문의要 | Female snap-in panel jack with type E calibration | |
SPJ-R/S-F | 문의要 | Female snap-in panel jack with type R/S calibration | |
SPJ-G-F | 문의要 | Female snap-in panel jack with type G calibration | |
SPJ-C-F | 문의要 | Female snap-in panel jack with type C calibration | |
SPJ-D-F | 문의要 | Female snap-in panel jack with type D calibration | |
SPJ-U-F | 문의要 | Female snap-in panel jack with type U calibration | |
SPJ-N-F | 문의要 | Female snap-in panel jack with type N calibration | |
1-12L | 문의要 | Extra ID labels numbered 1-12. Other series available | |
SPJ-CAP-12 | 문의要 | Spare dust caps. pkg of 12. Other pkg sizes also available | |
SIRT-1 | 문의要 | Optional connector removal tool. | |
OMEGA 온도 센사(PLUG 타입외) 문의 바람니다. |
제품별 특징
모델 | 특징 |
SPJ-K-F | Female snap-in panel jack with type K calibration |
PJ-T-F | Female snap-in panel jack with type T calibration |
PJ-J-F | Female snap-in panel jack with type J calibration |
PJ-E-F | Female snap-in panel jack with type E calibration |
PJ-R/S-F | Female snap-in panel jack with type R/S calibration |
PJ-G-F | Female snap-in panel jack with type G calibration |
PJ-C-F | Female snap-in panel jack with type C calibration |
PJ-D-F | Female snap-in panel jack with type D calibration |
PJ-U-F | Female snap-in panel jack with type U calibration |
PJ-N-F | Female snap-in panel jack with type N calibration |
-12L | Extra ID labels numbered 1-12. Other series available |
PJ-CAP-12 | Spare dust caps. pkg of 12. Other pkg sizes also available |
IRT-1 | Optional connector removal tool. |
![]() |
OMEGA .PJ-D-F 외 제품 확인 하기